Public contract: Doplňkové služby transferu technologií v oblasti ICT

Information on public contract

procurement procedure phase Awarded
Contract was awarded.
DBID: 1867
System number: P13V00000513
Under the Act: no. 137/2006 Coll.
Registration number in VVZ: 357503
This is the lot of a public contract: Doplňkové služby pro realizaci transferu technologií na Masarykově univerzitě
Date of start: 18.06.2013
Time limit for requests to participate: 16.07.2013 10:00
Tender submit to: 12.08.2013 10:00

Title, type and description of public contract

  • Title: Doplňkové služby transferu technologií v oblasti ICT
  • Type of public contract: Services
  • Contract for the framework agreement.

Brief subject description:
Poskytování služeb v oblasti komercializace
vědeckých výsledků/technologií a dalších doplňkových služeb transferu technologií podle požadavků zadavatele

Procedure type, estimated value

  • Procedure type: competitive procedure with negotiation (notice)
    Justification of using negotiated procedure:
    § 22, odst. 3, písm. b)
  • Public contract regime: above-the-threshold
  • Estimated value: 1 000 000 Kč without VAT

Contracting authority

  • Official name: Masarykova univerzita
  • CRN: 00216224
  • Postal address:
    Žerotínovo nám. 9
    601 77 Brno
  • Name of the department: Odbor veřejných zakázek
  • Contracting authority profile identification in VVZ: 60052494

Contact address

Tenders or requests to participate submit to:
prostřednictvím elektronického nástroje E-ZAK (

Subject items

Procurement documents

Explanation, completion, changes of procurement documents

No explanation, completion or changes of procurement documents to show. Check also the block Procurement documents.

Also check the explanation on the lots list.

Evaluation of the tenders

Public documents


URL addresses

Contract performance